Wednesday, April 04, 2007

INTRO - Things That Make Me Crazy

Each item in the following list of issues makes me crazy, so I'm using this space in an attempt to purge my insanity.

These social quandaries vex me, not so much because they are problems, but because they need not be problems at all.

I swear: Just make me king, and I'll fix everything ...

Watch this space as edicts from my potential throne offer cogent resolutions to one maddeningly senseless predicament after another ...


Anonymous said...

I have often wondered why you haven't become more involved in the political realm? You have all the solutions and often advise others to participate - but you, yourself, have yet to run for office. What's stopping YOU from doing these things?

I will gladly make you The King if you are willing to wear The Crown.

I Believe in YOU...I Trust YOU...I place my Hope in YOU...I Concur with YOU.

Let's see YOU on a ballot!

Pragmaticite said...

I really appreciate the testimonial, but Pragmaticite is far too sensitive to the anal probe process that candidates are subjected to by the press and opponents' political hit squads.

Besides, I'd prefer a cornonation over an inauguration any day.

Anonymous said...

I was forwarded this link by a long time friend and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to review your refreshing opinion with factual support.

I do not consider myself an expert in any of these areas but you make some very realistic points to some very pertinent issues. I enjoy playing devils advocate working in the Quality Assurance field and I do see other possible avenues for remedy and potential for possible hurdles.

The illegal aliens that occupy our country are here because there is a demand for cheep labor …. I think we must first extinguish the need …. Stifle the perceived enchantment of the land of plenty …. Then tackle the outcome.

I think it all boils down to the portion of Americans that take our freedoms for granted. Those would be the “low” income families that have no desire to improve their marketability or the motivation to be more prosperous. I do not understand why the “underprivileged” act like victim’s of society and spend most of their time feeling sorry for themselves.

We are carrying welfare recipients …. Seemingly …. Unconditionally. I do not understand why an alien workers who speak little to no English, cannot drive, and have little to no education can be more productive than our own American citizens?

We need to put limits on welfare recipients …. Ensure they know it is not a free ride and let them know it is only a temporary solution to a long term problem. I have kids …. And I am here to tell you as long as you are giving … they are taking …. So if the United States as a whole stopped the “free ride”, then maybe we could take our own and make productive members of society out of them. I do not know how many times I have driven passed subsidized housing only to see Mercedes, BMW, Lexus and other vehicles that the average “working class” citizens only dream of owning. Lets not spend all of our money trying to reeducate everyone who already had a shot equal to all American citizens for a public education ….. however, lets teach them to paint houses, work construction, clean, pick strawberries … etc. Yes … you are correct … lets increase the fines associated with the use of Illegal aliens. Force the business owners to pay the minimum wages …. Which is deemed to be fair. Tax the heck out of migrant workers …. If we find them and force them out. If they are only here to “dine and dash” then 1 visit is all they get …. A citizenship should be mandatory.

I think the only answer to most of the immigration / taxing problems stems from the laws of supply and demand …. And then need for welfare reform!

Now about the automated hands free driving ….. we are not ready for that …. The American people are not ready to break their current paradigm. Vehicles are already too expensive already and we are constantly dumping cash into road improvements …. And what concerns us most …. How much a gallon of gas costs ! There currently is a safer way to commute, buses, trains, trams, rail car’s and yet those are not exploited as much as they could be …. So you ask why? … My thought is … the loss of independence. We start out as children with no rights or privileges, as the government sees it, and the last thing the American people want to do is give up the privilege of driving when, where, and how they want….. at any cost. Besides …. What about the “less fortunate” members of society that cannot afford to have their vehicles modified??? Do they just “own” the road as the rest of us are in this slow moving , single file caravan???? And what would protect this “mile of cars” from their manual skills?

Once again you have made me think about the things that have constantly plagued our “Free” country to epidemic proportions. We are all very opinionated on these topics and if you have a solution then more power to you ….

Good Luck! Tedd

Pragmaticite said...

Tedd (anonymous): I like your thinking. We agree on many points. Welfare needs revamping every bit as much as general spending and the tax code.

However, I think MANY people are ready for the OPTION to allow for hands-free personal transportation, at least on the interstate highways.

I think commercial truckers, traveling sales reps, and baby boomers who have to commute 100 miles and more to visit aging parents would be among the first to sign up. I doubt that the costs would amoun tto very much more than the resultant fuel savings - the technology is so readily available and not expensive.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Assuming the crown is awsome and terrifying, even to the bravest of brave. PARTICIPATION is a key factor. There are many ways to participate without actually being crowned. Pragmatic seems to take large strides to get his point across to many who need a little prodding into the participating mode. I think Pragmatic would make a fine leader.

Anonymous said...

"I have often wondered why you haven't become more involved in the political realm?" ...from Mountain Girl.

I'm guessing that if there were more of a Kingdom Ring to toss one's hat into, then Pragmatic might just do that. However, the ring is still calling for Politicians..........not leaders or kings. Pragmatic doesn't come across to me as a politician...but more of a leader.